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DSDF - DigitalEurope Service Data Format
The DigitalEurope Service Data format is destined for usage as a data framework between all
parties involved in after sales services, manufacturers, repair services, logistics...

Introduction: » DSDF - DIGITALEUROPE Service Data Format

Benefits for users - DIGITALEUROPE Service Data Format

DSDF technical Info: » Technical Details for Implementation
How to use: » How-to-use-DSDF
Data Format: » DIGITALEUROPE Service Data Format Rev 1.9
Philips XSD Format

The IRIS table is revised regularly, the latest version that is implemented is Version 6.17.

NEW! IRIS excel sheet Version 6.17:
» the complete IRIS table including all translations in an excel format



Explanatory presentation on the new extended codes in version 6.6:
» English - » German - » Italiano

IRIS Training Material:

IRIS, why and how: » a basic introduction to the background of IRIS
IRIS Course: » a basic training course on contents and use of IRIS
IRIS Quick Info: » IRIS Code Quick Info
Groupe SEB IRIS Training material
IRIS Codes Structure info (SONY)

e-Service / IRIS codes:

Warranty Claim Format:
The Warranty Claim Format is designed to be used as a standardised claim format between
electronics manufacturers and repair services. It currently exists in an older format (v 1.1) and an
update and enlarged new format (v 2.0), it is advisable to use the most recent format:

» Version 1.1
» Version 2.0
» Version 2.0.2


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